Jailed suspect in anti-Maduro plot blames Colombia, Guaido By JOSHUA GOODMAN February 17, 2021 GMT FILE - In this May 3, 2020 file photo, Veneuzuelan security forces guard the shore and a boat in which authorities claim a group of armed men landed in the port city of La Guaira, Venezuela, calling it an armed maritime incursion from neighboring Colombia.


Also on rt.com Maduro’s socialist alliance victory in Venezuela’s National Assembly poll is a failure of US sanctions & regime change policy. As it was during the 2018 presidential elections that handed victory to Maduro himself, most of the opposition boycotted the official vote.

28 jan. 2019 — Enligt Juan Guaidó, som häromdagen utropade sig till president i det kaotiska Venezuela, försöker landets utdömde ledare Maduro få loss guld  Expectation for the arrival of Juan Guaido at Maiquetia Airport, Caracas, Venezuela Stockbild från Rayner Pena för redaktionell användning, 11 feb. 2020. 12 aug. 2019 — Venezuelas oppositionsledare och självutnämnde interimspresident Juan Guaidó uppger att Maduro planerar att upplösa parlamentet. 4 feb. 2019 — Även Sverige kommer att betrakta Guaidó som landets tillfällige president om Maduro inte utlyser nyval, uppger utrikesminister Margot  29 juni 2019 — Den venezolanske oppositionsledaren Juan Guaido (t.v.) och Colombias Anklagelserna kommer varken från Nicolas Maduro, Diosdado  För nu har även ett antal EU-länder sagt att de kommer erkänna Guaido som Venezuelas president, om USA förklarade omedelbart erkännande Guaido.

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Juan Guaidó y Nicolás Maduro. 12 Mar 2019 Nicolás Maduro, Juan Guaidó. El fiscal general de Venezuela, Tarek Saab, anunció este martes que solicitó al Tribunal Supremo de Justicia  La administración de Nicolás Maduro reconoce a Luis Parra como presidente de la AN, pero firmó un acuerdo Maduro se olvida de Parra y pacta con Guaidó. Jan 29, 2019 Venezuela coup leader Juan Guaidó is the product of a decade-long board hailed Guaidó as a “credible rival” to Maduro with a “refreshing  22 Sep 2020 En julio pasado, un tribunal comercial de Londres dio la razón al opositor Guaidó , reconocido como presidente encargado de Venezuela por  23 Ene 2019 Todas las potencias americanas, salvo México, respaldan a Juan Guaidó. Maduro anuncia la ruptura de relaciones con Washington. 30 Sep 2019 Desde que Juan Guaidó se juramentara como Presidente Encargado de Venezuela el 23 de enero de 2019, el escenario político nacional e  1 Mar 2021 Entonces Juan Guaidó, quien acababa de jurar como presidente encargado de Venezuela ante un masivo apoyo internacional, obtuvo 77% del  25 Ago 2020 guaido-14 El simbólico presidente interino de Venezuela, Juan Guaidó (izq.), y el presidente -de facto- del país, Nicolás Maduro / El Nacional. Jan 15, 2019 Who is Juan Guaidó, the Opposition Leader Trump Just Recognized Guaidó claims Maduro's second term, won through rigged elections in  2 juli 2020 — A London court ruled on Thursday that the British government recognizes Juan Guaido as Venezuela's president, instead of Nicolas Maduro,  MADURO'S THREAT: Venezuela's President Maduro says an arrest of opposition leader Juan Guaidó ^ ”Juan Guaidó utropar sig till president”.

5 feb. 2019 — talman Juan Guaido, som interimspresident för att sedan kunna utlysa fria och demokratiska val. Diktatorn Nicholas Maduro är tillsatt efter val 

Dec 4, 2020 Dictator Nicolás Maduro is about to deal another blow to the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó addresses the press during an  Jan 24, 2019 Donald Trump's administration came to recognize Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido over the country's president, Nicolas Maduro. May 16, 2019 Guaidó says any diplomatic process aimed at resolving the Venezuelan crisis must lead to the end of Maduro's government, its replacement by  Dec 4, 2019 Guaido has tanked and is now on par with that of Nicolas Maduro. Poll shows Venezuela's Guaidó is losing popularity and has sunk to  Jun 21, 2020 The big picture: Trump also indicated he doesn't have much confidence in Guaidó, who has failed to wrest control of the Venezuelan government  30 Ago 2019 Los negocios del día a día se llevan a cabo con el gobierno del presidente chavista.

For an increasingly isolated Mr Maduro - Russia has provided a source of military and economic support. Last month it flew two nuclear-capable bombers to the region in a show of support for him.

Oppositionsledaren Juan Guaidó ber militären om hjälp att störta president Nicolás Maduro,  Guaidó, Juan, född 1983, venezuelansk politiker som i januari 2019 utropades till tillförordnad president av landets parlament. Juan Guaidó växte upp i delstaten  5 maj 2019 — Venezuelas president Nicolás Maduro omgiven av militärkadetter, Världen​Juan Guaidó lyckades inte samla Venezuela till ännu en stor  10 feb. 2019 — Utrikes Flera högt uppsatta officerare i Venezuela har tagit öppen ställning för oppositionsledaren Juan Guaido, mot president Nicolas Maduro.

Maduro has meanwhile asked his backers  28 jan. 2019 — (CNN Español) — Juan Guaidó, presidente de la Asamblea Nacional y quien se proclamó presidente interino de Venezuela, está convencido  Personer som protesterar mot den Nicolas Maduro diktaturmarschen i service av Guaido. Foto handla om folkmassa, bakgrunder, conflict, caracas, kris  Konflikten i Venezuela trappas upp efter att oppositionsledaren Juan Guaidó uppmanat militären att avsätta president Nicolas Maduro.
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Guaido maduro

2019 — För utom stora delar av Syd- och Latinamerikan så har Guaidó fått uttalat stöd av länder som USA, Storbritannien, Tyskland och Kanada. 14 mars 2019 — Maktkampen mellan Maduro och Guaido i.

2020-01-20 2020-03-31 2019-05-08 Guaido's attempt to oust Maduro in a putsch on April 30 faltered, and for now he doesn't have many new cards to play.
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2020 — Mr Guaidó has since been sworn in as re-elected President of the legislature, despite further attempts by groups loyal to the Maduro regime to  4 feb. 2019 — Venezuelas oppositionsledare Juan Guaido och Sverige utrikesminister Vi godtog aldrig valresultatet när Maduro valdes till president.

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2020-06-19 · Maduro, Guaido claim ownership of gold stored in London vault. The $2bn in gold bars is stored in the UK, which recognises opposition leader Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s president.

As it was during the 2018 presidential elections that handed victory to Maduro himself, most of the opposition boycotted the official vote. For an increasingly isolated Mr Maduro - Russia has provided a source of military and economic support. Last month it flew two nuclear-capable bombers to the region in a show of support for him. For Maduro, who claimed victory in 2018 in a presidential election widely considered fraudulent, it was an opportunity to consolidate power within Venezuela. He already controlled the presidency Venezuela Under Maduro, Cabello, and Guaido October 06, 2020 / Francisco Fayardo, Jr. The tragedy of Venezuela could become a hemispheric tragedy. Little is known Maduro has also given the opposition, which benefits most when the government acts arbitarily and overplays its hand on legal or constitutional issues, a cause around which to regroup.